Kawartha Hypnosis Bottle Drive for PPE a Success

Rebecca O’Rourke of Kawartha Hypnosis recently took on the initiative to collect empty wine, liquor, and beer containers from local residents and turn those empties into PPE supplies for local businesses to use as to safely reopen their doors.

“We have already been to 12 local Fenelon Falls businesses to drop off gift buckets containing paper towels, Lysol wipes and disinfecting cleaner, bleach, hand sanitizer, disposable masks, and locally made cotton masks, where proceeds for those masks also helped the local food bank,” says Rebecca.

Rebecca went on to say that since in the current times, both returning empties and purchasing enough PPE equipment were both real challenges. “Since we’ve had a little extra time on our hands lately we have been happy to help out the community. We have met some really wonderful people on this adventure and have had the pleasure of seeing many familiar faces as well. It was also a great excuse to be social at a safe physical distance.”

This successful initiative took care of clearing out collected empties for local residents while the Beer Store was unable to accept them, and turned around to use the funds from exchanging the empties to provide important supplies to local businesses so they can operate safely.

If you are a local business in need of PPE supplies, reach out to Rebecca through the Kawartha Hypnosis Facebook page to inquire if there are any available gift buckets left. Let her know which supplies you need most, and if possible she will help get them to you.

Thank you to Rebecca and Kawartha Hypnosis for taking on this project to help our small business community!


Featured Photo - Fenelon Falls Sunset


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