Deadline Reminder for The Royal Canadian Legion Fenelon Falls Literary Contest for Seniors

Submitted by Arlene Colman

We hope all our seniors are coping as well as can be expected during these uncertain times of COVID-19. 

A reminder that the deadline is fast approaching.

The deadline is 6:00pm September 25, 2020 for submission of your entry.

We request that entries be submitted electronically to or by Canada Post to Arlene Colman, 68 Kozy Kove Road, Burnt River, Ontario, K0M 1C0.

If you are not able to submit your entry electronically or by Canada Post please call Arlene at 705-454-1849 to discuss possible alternate arrangements. 

 Winners will be announced sometime during October on our Legion website

We know that these are very trying and challenging times for everyone. At the Legion, we have a Veterans Service Officer, Glenn Wood (705-879-8877), who assists veterans and their dependents and a Seniors’ Chairman, Arlene Colman (705-454-1849) who will assist seniors.  You don’t have to be a Legion member to avail yourself of our assistance.  We are here if you need us just give us a call.

As the continuing saga of COVID continues to evolve and complicate our lives please take care and stay safe.


Congratulations to Our Shop Local Winners


Photo Round Up - September 10th, 2020