Insider Itineraries

Get the exclusive scoop on what the residents of Fenelon Falls love most about where we live and our wonderful village. 

Meet this week’s insiders: Bill and Wendy Kennedy

Bill grew up in Dunsford, Wendy in Lindsay. The pair would dance at Greenhurst. Having their cottage on Cameron Lake, they were here as much as they could be, close to family and friends. Bill and Wendy chose to retire at their summer oasis and make it their permanent residence. A “terrific plan” as Wendy put it. Below are Bill and Wendy’s top 5 favourite things to do.

TOP 5: 

  1. Fireside appetizer gatherings during outdoor happy hour 

  2. Slowing down and recognizing that the dust can wait 

  3. Walking

  4. Keeping in touch with family and friends by zoom, email, phone, and safe distance visits while walking

  5. Planning get-togethers as soon as possible, in person and with hugs


Déjà Vu


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