CFKL Intern Job Description

Pinnguaq Digital Skills for Youth Internship Program 

Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes 


Contract dates: October 25, 2021 – March 25, 2022 

Two Digital Intern positions outlined below are based online and expected to work from home. Hours will be flexible in most instances, based on a 35-hour work week, working remotely with online supervision and guidance from Foundation Coordinator as directed by Board of Directors. Interns will have a weekly, or as required, call or Zoom meeting led by Foundation Coordinator and/or Board designate, where tasks or projects will be assigned, and progress can be monitored and reviewed. Placements to begin as soon as Monday October 25, or once hiring process is final. Contract will be completed by no later than March 31, 2022. Candidates must be ready to start ASAP. 

Frequently cited statistics show that women and members of structurally marginalized and/or  underrepresented groups apply to jobs only if they meet 100% of the qualifications. The  Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes encourages applicants to break that statistic and apply. It is very rare for someone to meet 100% of the qualifications. The Community  Foundation looks forward to a variety of applicants. 

The Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes is here to help create a meaningful and lasting  change in our community. The Foundation is a reliable resource to connect you to the  knowledge, opportunities and partners you need to make a difference in Kawartha Lakes. The  Foundation’s focus is on strengthening local philanthropic network by connecting people who  care with the creation of lasting legacies that address gaps in local human services, public  infrastructure, agriculture and community economic development. Together with its  fundholders and partners, the Community Foundation supports and strengthens local initiatives  making a difference and enhancing the quality of life in this community. 

To be considered for one of these digital intern positions, please send letter of interest and CV  via email to If selected, a zoom interview will be arranged with  members of the Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes Board. Positions are scheduled to  start as soon as Monday October 25, 2021.


Position Summary  

Reporting to the Foundation Coordinator, the Digital Communications Intern will be tasked in creating, supporting and implementing an online presence for the Community Foundation  through the website and social media channels as appropriate. This will require valuable digital skills in social media platforms, content creation and scheduling. Additional duties may be assigned as required individually or in collaboration with Data Management Intern. Training in complimentary software will be offered as required to fulfill expectations of this position. 

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • To support the implementation, management and evaluation of the Community Foundation  of Kawartha Lakes new online presence 

  • To liaise with CFKL board members to maximize donor, fundholder and supporter  engagement and usage of subscribed platform(s) 

  • To create, prepare and post social media messaging through the Foundation and its  fundholder news and information, sharing media, links and success stories 

  • To monitor fundholders’, partners, and broader stakeholder community’s social media  posts to generate additional activity 

  • To gather analytics, to monitor activity and contribute to reports for funders, preparing monthly progress for Board of Directors review 

  • To collaborate as required to ensure efficiencies within the Foundation, with Data  Management Intern, Foundation Coordinator and Board of Directors 

  • Additional duties may be assigned as required 


University or college graduate, under 30, seeking employment through a valuable learning  experience 

Passionate about learning with an interest in community building, gaining knowledge of a not for-profit Community Foundation and related digital skills 

Self-motivated and curious 

Excellent presentation skills, at ease and confident verbally and in the written word Excellent communications skills, including writing for SEO optimization 

Entrepreneurial attitude 

Interest in digital communications, marketing and advertising 

Knowledge of data management systems, including Foundation data, donors and documents


Position Summary  

Reporting to the Foundation Coordinator, the Data Management Intern will be tasked in full  immersion of the current donor management system in place through Canada Helps. This will require valuable digital skills in gaining insight on the multitude of functions available on the DMS, including donor data reporting, updates, donor engagement and communication tools  available. Additional duties may be assigned as required individually or in collaboration with  Digital Communications Intern. Training in complimentary software will be offered as required  to fulfill expectations of this position. 

Duties and Responsibilities 

  • To maximize the use of the DMS for the Foundation’s benefit in donor communications and  engagement 

  • To support the implementation, management and evaluation of the Community Foundation  of Kawartha Lakes database management system 

  • To document and record all donation activity via Canada Helps and through offline  mechanisms 

  • To liaise with CFKL board members to maximize donor, fundholder and supporter  engagement through the Canada Helps platform 

  • To plan, create, prepare and release email and newsletter messaging through the DMS with  support and guidance from Foundation Coordinator and Board designate 

  • To collaborate as required to ensure efficiencies within the Foundation’s operations, with  Digital Communications Intern, Foundation Coordinator and Board of Directors ⮚

  • Additional duties may be assigned as required 


University or college graduate, under 30, seeking employment through a valuable learning  experience 

Passionate about learning with an interest in community building, gaining knowledge of a not for-profit Community Foundation and related digital skills 

Self-motivated and curious 

Excellent presentation skills, at ease and confident verbally and in the written word Excellent communications skills, including the written word 

Entrepreneurial attitude 

Interest in digital communications, email and newsletter campaign design and delivery Knowledge of data management systems, including Foundation data, donors and documents


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