From your Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society!

We want to remind you that it is still too soon to be cleaning up your gardens!  

The pollinators overwintering in the stems and debris of last fall’s greenery are not ready to emerge yet - - it is not warm enough for them to survive. It is frustrating to see your gardens needing care and not getting the work done during this nice weather, but until the days and nights are over 10C it is too early. It won’t be long now. Stay patient!

Happiness is . . .

      Buying plants!

Save the Date!

On Saturday, May 29th, the FFHS will be having their annual Plant Sale. The sale will run 4 hours, mid-morning to early afternoon at the Fenelon Falls Community Centre!  Covid-safe protocols will be in place (travel will be in one direction only) and there will be artists and other vendors as well.  More information is coming in future postings!

Thank you to all the new members who have joined our group of gardening friends!  If anyone else would like to join us for our meetings with interesting guest speakers or to work in our beautiful community gardens and/or help with other projects, please send an email to and we will get back to you.  At the moment, we are still having zoom meetings but we have Hope that we will be able to meet in person when it is safe to do so. We are sure you will be happy you joined our club and will feel that your $20 membership fee is money well spent!

Just before closing, please keep in mind our Communities In Bloom “Hope is Growing” project and let’s make our community YELLOW with the seeds we plant this spring!


Kraft Hockeyville 2021
