St James Community Garden Still Has Room for You!

St James Community Garden Still Has Room for You…

submitted by Diane Engelstad, St James Communications Team

Is your inner gardener calling to you…the brightly coloured veggie seed packets and variety of seedlings tempting you at the local garden centre — but you don’t actually have a garden?


The St. James Church Community Garden (7 Bond St. E in Fenelon Falls) can help! There are still a few plots left for you to cultivate your green thumb skills, along with food (or flowers) for your table. Have a bad back or knees? No problem, there are even beds at standing height. But you need to hurry — there are only a few remaining beds.

The cost of renting a plot for the season is $20 for full size (4’x8’) or $10 for half size (4’x4’). Tall beds at 3’ high. Gardeners bring their own tools (the shed is closed this year due to the pandemic), but water and watering cans are available on site. Gardeners are required to observe Covid protocols of social distancing and mask wearing when others are in proximity.

The St James Community Garden has been part of the Fenelon Falls landscape between the church and the adjacent rectory since 2013. It is provided as a resource to the community, especially for those who don’t have gardening land. Over the years, the Community Garden has provided gardening opportunities for school children, people with disabilities, and volunteers who grow specifically for the Food Bank (Horticultural Society and High School students this year), alongside citizens who simply want to test their green thumb or put good food on the table.

Go to and look for the Registration Form, or call Lynne Jackson at 705-887-4759. And Happy Gardening!


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