City Council Presents Jim Armstrong With Barbara McArthur Memorial Award of Distinction

Jim Armstrong, all-round community animator, and Chair and Co-Founder of the Kawartha Works Community Co-op, was honoured with the Barbara McArthur Memorial Award of Distinction by the City Council on Tuesday, June 1.

This is the most prestigious of the annual Accessibility Awareness awards, recognizing outstanding achievement on a long term and consistent basis. All of the award recipients were applauded for their outstanding contributions to accessibility awareness, including the Fenelon Falls Curling Club for their volunteer efforts during COVID lockdown, delivering groceries to people who were homebound or shut-ins, many of whom had accessibility issues.

As many involved Fenelon Falls citizens know, Jim Armstrong has been working quietly and diligently behind the scenes for many years to help ensure that our community is as accessible, inclusive and diverse as possible. He recognizes that social and physical infrastructure can, and should, benefit all.

“Jim is constantly asking how we can make any project or event an opportunity for marginalized members of the community…focussed not only on making sure that these times and spaces can be enjoyed by anyone but that they also represent work and volunteer opportunities for everyone,” wrote Tim Wisener (Home by Tim + Chris) in one of nine endorsements supporting the nomination.

Christy Yael, Artistic Director of The Grove Theatre, wrote, “From the outset [in the creation of The Grove Theatre], Jim has prioritized inclusion and accessibility for all members of our community, particularly those with disabilities.” The Grove Theatre has written “inclusive best practices” right into their organization’s vision and mandate.

Jim wears many hats in the community, representing the Co-op, Fenelon Forward, BR&E Social Infrastructure, Fenelon Falls Housing Partnership, ABLE (Access to Better Living Experiences), The Grove Theatre, Transportation Corridor Study, Fenelon Falls Events Forum, and more. His efforts have been subtle, by way of gentle encouragement, modelling, and seeking opportunities below the surface, and as such they can be easy to miss by the casual observer. Lobbying for added sidewalks and town benches doesn’t necessarily make the news. 

The nomination was submitted by the Engelstad family. Jim is part of a supportive team for 25-year-old Jeremy Engelstad, whose participation and contributions as a citizen require community support and friendship. Jim takes Jeremy golfing regularly during the season, and shares insights, ideas and practical help with others on the team.  

 “As a family acquainted with disabilities,” Diane Engelstad explained in the nomination, “we know how critical it is to have community ambassadors for inclusion and integration — people like Jim Armstrong. He is always thinking of removing barriers for all, fosters a spirit of diversity and inclusion at all levels, models exemplary citizenship and friendship within his community, and works tirelessly as a dedicated volunteer and catalyst for positive change.”

 Marylee Boston, Manager with the Fenelon Falls and District Chamber of Commerce, calls Jim “an unsung hero… deserving of recognition for all he has done and continues to do.”

Congratulations for a well-deserved award, Jim!




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