Proud Announcement from St James Anglican Church

St. James Anglican Church, Fenelon Falls and the Digital Museums Canada are proud to announce the completion of a joint project. St. James received a grant to tell the story of Anne Langton and her part in the history of St. James the Apostle Anglican Church. The exhibition is now streaming on the Digital Museums Canada website. The information is available for teachers and the public to access. Archival material was used from the Ontario Archives, the City of Kawartha Lakes, The Fenelon Museum, journals and letters from Anne and John Langton, community members and artifacts and archives that are housed in St. James, Fenelon Falls.

The exhibition contains 23 videos, stories, gallery pages and 104 photos.  The content is available in English, French and Described Video as well as closed captioning for hearing impaired.

Each artifact was measured and described as to size and material, so that it would be accessible to people with low vision. It contains a soaring view of Fenelon Falls obtained by a drone camera, a ghostly walk up the stone stairs to a graveyard at the site of the original church and detailed close up camera work of Anne Langton’s original miniature sketches and paintings. The exhibit allows visitors to navigate subjects and select images or videos to view. 

Much work went into the completion of this project and many people were involved including the role of the young Anne Langton played by Faith Engelstad and the older Anne Langton was voiced by Marion Boase, both from our community. The exhibition also includes interviews with resident Barbara Dunn-Prosser, whose mother found the Anne Langton miniature sketches in the 1970s. Ms. Dunn-Prosser wrote a musical about Anne Langton and played the lead role.

 We are announcing a proud moment for our local church, Digital Museums Canada and also for the many community-oriented history buffs that gave  hours of time and expertise.  

To view this exhibit, visit the link below:

Self portrait of Anne Langton.

Barbara Dunn Prosser, in her role as Anne Langton, pictured in Maryboro Lodge, the Fenelon Falls Museum, holding a candle mold.

Peter Oliver, retired Associate Professor Emeritus, OCAD University, meticulously photographing close up Anne Langton's original miniature sketches and paintings.


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