Long-Time Community Volunteer Mike Perry Running to Serve Ward 3
Local hat in the Ward 3 Ring: Mike Perry surrounded by supporters from across Ward 3 at Russet House Farm between Fenelon Falls and Cameron. Perry is running for Council in this fall’s municipal election.
Mike Perry is stepping up to serve as the next Councillor to represent and work for the residents of Ward 3 in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Perry filed his candidate papers back on May 2 the first day nominations opened and has been building his campaign ever since. He is now kicking off his campaign.
Perry says he is running first and foremost to serve and help people. “I grew up here and have been involved in my home community all my life,” he notes. “I want to help get things done at the municipal level to build up our area and make life better here for all of us.”
Perry has been quietly campaigning since May, gathering a team, reaching out to people for coffee, and listening to peoples’ needs and views. People have hosted Perry in their homes, inviting friends and neighbours over to share local issues.
Listening to local residents and attending events, Perry says that the basics – roads, potholes, water and sewage capacity, and garbage and snow removal – are top of mind for local residents, as is customer service from City Hall. Perry notes that more local jobs and family doctors, building our local economy, increasing housing, protecting our local environment, and increasing cell and internet service are also important, especially to balance growth and keep our young people here. “Any issue in our area is solvable when we bring people together, generate ideas, and do the work to make it happen,” says Perry.
Local supporter and former Ward 3 candidate Roger McInnis of Fenelon Falls is supporting Mike for Council: “Mike has the skills and the experience to bring people together at the municipal level and will turn what we want into reality. He has done it before.” Ruth Anne Matthews of Cameron agrees: “I have known Mike for years. He is known here in our area. Mike works hard and gets results.”
Perry states he will hold regular office hours as a Councillor in all areas of the Ward, issue a quarterly newsletter, return phone calls promptly, and have Ward 3 volunteer awards for local young people.
A resident of Fenelon Falls, Perry currently serves as Treasurer of the Fenelon Chamber of Commerce and is on the Board of the Kawartha North Family Health. Perry has helped recruit family doctors to the area and is a volunteer water tester for Cameron and Sturgeon Lakes. He was part of the group that brought the seniors’ health park to Fenelon and helped bring funds to workers and families in Fenelon, Cameron, and south of Rosedale. He is a lawyer and social worker by profession and a proud past member of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves. Perry lives on Dodd Street with his two children: Abigail and Gabriel.
Perry says his campaign will focus on positivity, people, and progress. Voters will see more of Perry at the doorstep very soon. “I am committed to serving and helping people. I will always serve you with respect and kindness,” Perry concludes passionately.
To contact Mike for a coffee or invite him to an event, please call his cell phone: 705.928.0191 or email: mikeperry08@gmail.com. Perry also a has a candidate website: www.mikeperry.ca and a Facebook page: www.facebook.com/PerryForWard3