Canada Day Committee Seeking Donations

Fenelon Falls is known for celebrating Canada Day in a big way; with activities at the beach park, live music, shopping, dining and fireworks over Cameron Lake. But, a great day of celebration doesn’t happen without funding and the hard work of dedicated volunteers. 

This year the Canada Day Committee, who work under the umbrella of Maryboro Lodge, have planned a day full of events but the grant funding they rely on for the big ticket items like fireworks was cut significantly or no longer available. 

If you love Canada Day in Fenelon Falls we ask you to invest in this special day and keep it sustainable for years to come. Financial contributions of any are greatly appreciated. Donations can be made by e-transferring Donations of $50 or more are eligible for a tax receipt. If you donate by e-transfer, please designate “For Canada Day” and if you would like a tax receipt.


Photo Round Up - Jul 4th, 2024


Landmark Scavenger Hunt Extended