Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes encourages applications to the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, non-profit organizations, Indigenous Governing Bodies and registered charities have shown stamina and creativity in their response to the many challenging needs of their communities. With the assistance from the Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes, the Community Services Recovery Fund responds to what is needed right here, right now to adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

With our national partners, qualified local projects will work within one of the following Project Focus Areas: ‘Investing in People’ applying through the Canadian Red Cross, ‘Investing in Systems and Processes’ through the Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes, and ‘Investing in Program and Service Innovation and Redesign’ through the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes.

The Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes and our local partners at United Way and Red Cross will work diligently to review each local application. You can find out more information about the evaluation criteria in the Applicant Guide as found at  Application deadline is February 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM EST. 

The Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes has been allocated $265,000 from the Community Services Recovery Fund (CSRF) to support organizational systems and processes that will enable local community services to bolster and modernize their internal operations, whether it is a new special project to build capacity, much needed investment in data management or building a new funding strategy. Projects funded through the Community Services Recovery Fund can start on or after May 1, 2023 and must be completed by June 30, 2024. 

Interested applicants are encouraged to sign up for a webinar to learn more on how to apply. Join us on February 13, 2023 at 1:00 pm EST for a walk through of the program and its guidelines. This session will give you insight on the Community Services Recovery Fund, its national partners, the eligibility criteria for each stream, timelines, and next steps.  Register for the online ‘how to apply’ webinar here:

Webinar recording will be available on Or contact us directly at


Spotlight Kawartha - Jan 22nd, 2023


Fenelon Falls Farmers’ Market