Earthing: A Simple Practice for Better Sleep and Well-Being

As a certified fitness, life and nutrition coach I have been studying and researching the key pillars of wellness.  All my research and practical success stories have focused on the following key areas: Physical training, proper nutrition, sleep, and stress management.  

This article is about some new findings that support the pillar of “sleep” widely regarded as the foundation of personal wellness!

In the quest for better sleep, many have explored new methods to improve their rest, ranging from high-tech sleep trackers and advanced mattresses to pharmaceutical sleeping aids. However, one ancient and natural practice has recently caught my attention: earthing, also known as “grounding”. The idea is simple—reconnecting our bodies with the earth’s natural electrical energy to improve sleep, reduce inflammation, and even enhance overall health. Here’s a background on the research I have studied and the results I have witnessed.

I first heard about earthing from my hairdresser, who told me it helped her sleep better, eased pain, and reduced joint stiffness. Intrigued, I decided to do some research on the power of “grounding” and to give it a try. Throughout the summer, I read the published and peer reviewed books and articles and I actually started walking barefoot outside as often as possible, enjoying the feeling of being more connected to nature. At first, I wasn’t sure it was doing much, but being outside barefoot felt great. That was enough motivation to keep going.

I wanted to try some of the tools that were identified in the research as helpful for “grounding”.  One of these tools is an “earthing sheet”.  It was the tool that my hairdresser was using!!!

 I also really wanted to do something to help my 88-year-old mother get better sleep. My mother has been an insomniac for most of her life. (There are countless self-help books about sleep on her bookshelves.) So, I ordered earthing sheets for both of us. 

We got them about six weeks ago. Mom is amazed at how deeply she can sleep now, and she is very grateful! She gets 5 to 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep on a regular basis, and she’s sometimes even able to go back to sleep for a couple more hours to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night. It has made such a remarkable difference in her life! The same goes for me! I can now sleep 6 to 8 hours a night with no interruptions. It is truly life-changing! 

The benefits of earthing on sleep are widely reported, and very consistent. 

We are all actively aging and we want to stay active well into our “marginal decade” - the last 10 years of our lives, in which most of us experience the worst health.

All the pillars of health that I mentioned at the beginning are important: exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. I would argue that sleep is the pillar upon which all of the other’s rest, because without enough quality sleep, we will likely skip our workouts, crave junk food, feel stressed out, and get into a vicious cycle of sleepless nights.

If you’d like to learn more about earthing, email 

To order your own earthing sheets, click here:

Use coupon code: Sleep (for a discount)!

Charmin Good
Certified Fitness Trainer, Life & Nutrition Coach
Inside Out Body Fitness, LLC


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