Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society Meeting with Guest Speaker, Richard Dickinson

Please join us Monday May 29th at the Fenelon Falls Senior Club 7pm for our monthly meeting.

The topic this month is So many weeds….so little time, brought to us by our guest speaker Richard Dickinson.

Richard Dickinson has over 35 years field biology and environmental consulting.  He has taught plant taxonomy, ecology and the history and effects of plants on human civilization at several colleges and universities.  He has co-authored 9 books including Weeds of North America, Plants of Southern Ontario, and the ROM field guide to Wildflowers of Ontario.  Weeds of North America was awarded “Book of the Year 2014” by the American Horticultural Society in Washington DC.

The bane of every gardener is having to contend with unwanted plants - weeds.  The presentation will focus on common garden weeds:  their biology, seed viability and their control.  In addition, a brief discussion of the main invasive plants facing the Ontario landscape – today and tomorrow. 

Bring your problem weeds to the meeting or submit a photo in advance so Richard can make the discussion more interactive. Email photos to:  wildgardencannington@gmail.com

 Lug a mug to enjoy provided beverages and snacks.

We look forward to seeing you there, bring a friend, all are welcome!

Visit www.backyardbuzz.ca for more information 


Rotary Club of Fenelon Falls Cleans Up


The Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society’s Plant Sale