Healthy Aging Workshop: Thriving in a Digital World

The Fenelon Falls Seniors’ Club is hosting its fourth workshop in the Healthy Aging Series on Thursday, Mar. 20 from 9:00 to 2:15

The workshop is a great way to learn about strategies and supports to help you Thrive in a Digital World.  Topics Include:

·        Preventing Digital Fraud & Scams

·        Troubleshooting Technology

·        Online Banking & Shopping Safety

·        Online Learning & Information Finding

·        Optimizing Your Smart TV

·        Voice Activated Devices


Exercise breaks, refreshments and lunch are included. 

The workshop will be held at the Fenelon Falls Seniors’ Centre (58 Murray St, Fenelon Falls).

Cost is $5 for Seniors’ Club members; $10 for non-members. 

Pre-registration by Tues. March 18 at Noon is required as spaces are limited. 

Please call 705-887-7007 or email at for more information and to register for the event.

*FFSC Healthy Aging Workshop Series is made possible with funding from the Seniors Community Grant – Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility


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