Is It Over Yet?

Submitted by Marina Hodson

Whilst I personally love winter for its beauty, its silence and the winter activities, even I have to admit that as we approach March, I am yearning for some green. But don’t despair – you can enjoy the beauty of winter and the benefits of plants at the same time.


Personally, my houseplant collection often teeters on excessive, but I believe this is one of the occasions where you cannot have too much of a good thing. Not only can plants simply cheer up a space, studies by NASA have shown that houseplants can remove up to 87% of air toxin over a 24 hour period. Additionally they have been shown to lower stress and anxiety, something we can all use a little of, and to boost our healing and pain tolerance. When placed near your work space, plants can improve your focus and concentration; and an aloe in the kitchen won’t go amiss when you are in need of a little first aid for a minor cut or burn.


Still not convinced or think you have a “brown” thumb? There is a plant out there for every gardening level.  

·        While you may not recognize its name, I guarantee you have likely all seen a pothos in your day. Often nicknamed “devil’s ivy” for its ability to survive in nearly black conditions, this vine is commonly seen suspended from ceilings or trailing along cabinet tops.  

·        If you tend to forget the watering, consider a Jade plant.  Resilient and long-lived, these succulents can live for months without water, drawing on storage in their leaves.  

·        More of a “kill them with kindness” waterer? Consider Baby’s Tear which, some people say could almost survive in a fish tank.  

·        And if you have tried and killed them all – your best bet is the ZZ plant.  Officially named Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, this East African native is lovingly referred to as “the king of indestructible plants” and has thrived in my living room even right next to the woodstove.


So whatever your level of expertise, consider adding a little green to your space. It is sure to improve your mood and maybe even your health.


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